Find the best way to make a move on a girl you like in person or over text who maybe your friend or someone random at a party. These tips will help you with your first move without being awkward or creepy.
Making a move on a girl is like making any decision in your life which sometimes works and sometimes it doesn’t. Some of us think that some guys are luckier than we are, but that is not the truth. In reality this guy you think is lucky, has built up enough confidence by chatting with many girl he liked. Now, he is not scared of rejection like you. And if you want that, then you need to get out there too because practice does make men perfect. This is just as true here as it is in any other aspects of life. And just to give you a bit of a head start, here are some things you may like to know before going out there to make a move on a girl.
Set a Goal
I don’t it’s that complicated to understand. It just means what are your expectations for the efforts you are going to make. In this scenario, if you are a beginner then your first goal should be having a simple conversation with the girl. What is your goal here? Only you can decide that. Do you want to make out with a girl or do you want her number? Do you want another date or do you just want that?
This way you can avoid awkward moments and make your move when the opportunity appears. Like say if you are planning on another date then you should chat with her accordingly and not like you are just looking for a fun time. Setting a goal is good and it works because you know what’s your endgame. This helps when you make a move on a girl as you know to what extent you can improvise.
Appearances First
We don’t make a move on a stranger because of their personality, you do it because of their appearances. If you like a girl solely on her appearances then won’t she do the same to you. So, believe it or not appearance does come first. This is just to tell you that when you are thinking about approaching and making a move on a girl, the first thing to do should be having a proper appearance.
This doesn’t mean that you have to buy expensive clothes or accessories. It just means that you should have clean face and a follow a proper hygiene like combed hair, cut nails and more. As for clothes it doesn’t have to be expensive, just presentable not worn out, torn or terribly wrinkled. Apart from this, wear proper polished and clean shoes and that’s it. All this makes you appear appropriate for your goal. Lastly, you need to remember that nothing you wear is more important than your smile. So, don’t lose it no matter what.
Watch Out for Clues
As soon as you enter a room you throw out some cues or hints as to what your motives are. This is to mentally prepare the girl that you are about to approach her. Also, this increases your success rate when you make a move on a girl you like. Now this is all natural human instincts so why not use it for getting us one step closer to our goal. Firstly, there are two ways that a person gives out cues like verbal cues and visual cues. Verbal cues are easy as it depends on what a person is saying and you don’t have to interpret it deeply. Visual cues on the other hand are a bit tricky because it’s all about body language. So, just to help you out in this cause, here are some verbal and visual cues you need to watch out for.
Verbal Cues:
Verbal cues are easy to pick up on once you know what to listen for. Now this too is different depending on how much you really know the girl. If you both are friends or even know each other then the things you need to look out for is how much you time she spends talking with you. And if you are strangers then you need to watch out if she makes open ended small talks. Like, my battery is too low, my order is taking too much time, or anything similar which she can deflect as talking to herself when asked. See these are verbal cues that a girl sends so that you start talking to her and just keep it short and sweet. And always remember to listen what she is saying and do not interrupt her.
Visual Cues:
Visual cues are a bit less obvious, but really important to have a successful outcome. Five places to look out for visual cues are eyes, lips, hands, legs and than her entire body language and in that order. First comes eyes, if you two are in the same room and she noticed you then the first thing has happened. And yes this means she was checking you out just as you were. Try to make an eye contact with her by being in front of her.
Now this happening once or twice can be a coincidence, but more than that is a definite sign is that she is interested. Second are lips, if you have both have made multiple eye contacts then the polite and the safest thing to do would be to smile at each other. Then notice her body language and see if she is playing with her hair or fiddling with her clothes. These are all a natural instinct for a human when they are trying to impress somebody.
When this all happens together than that’s the cue for you to go and talk to her if you are a stranger. If you already know her and she still does this every time you see her then she obviously likes you. After you two have exchanged pleasantries, it’s time to look for the cues which tells you whether she wants you to make the move on her.
Two things to notice when talking to her face to face are her hand and her legs position. If her hands are crossed over on her chest then she is not interested and wants you to leave or is ready for an argument. But if her hands are making open arm gestures or are pointing in your direction while she is talking to you then that is a sign of interest.
And as for legs if both her legs are pointing in your general direction while talking then she is interested. Lastly, the thing you should consider is to notice her reaction when you two accidentally or casually make physical contact. If she is not nervous about that then she is comfortable and if she reciprocates then she is ready for you to make a move.
Make Your Move
A move can be thought of as a little thing like holding hands or making that physical contact to the taking her home. Once you know what you are going for then you need to follow these two steps. First is hinting, in this you throw some cues of your own to let her know of your motives. This way you don’t end up coming on too strong or get rejected. Second is to take that leap of faith and make your move on the most opportune moment. Let’s understand this two steps a bit more briefly.
Hinting is another way of sending obvious cues. The most common example of this is flirtation. See, when you flirt with someone you are sending them a signal that you are interested. Just like that, here you have to keep dropping hints for her. This is will prepare her for what you are about to do.
Imaging you are in a club and you see an attractive girl standing across the room. Now you have done everything successfully starting from eye contact, smiling and all that one can do from far. But see now is the time to make your move and here is when hinting can come in real handy. The way you go for it is, you stand up while making eye contact and after an exchange of smile you walk up to her.
This way she knows you are coming and she can be prepared as much she needs. Now if she is uncomfortable with you coming over then you will notice it in her body language and it is quite visible. This way you have avoided an embarrassment of getting actually rejected. Remember hinting is easy because there are no direct risks as you haven’t done anything definitive yet.
A Leap of Faith:
It’s really easy to say it, but in the end you do have to take that leap of faith to actually make your move on the girl. Taking this leap comes very naturally when you have given her hints and picked up on cues properly. The real interesting thing about this leap is that this one is just the beginning of the game, but still everything depends on it.
If a time comes when you are really confused, that’s when you should go with honesty. Like if you have developed some feeling for a certain friend then instead of acting weird around her try to give hints. Finally, approach her and tell her the truth. I know the rule is to keep the ball in your court and to keep her wondering, but I think it’s best to put the ball in her court then ruining the game entirely.
This may seem a bit odd to be reading here, but be ready for rejection. Always remember that this is actually a numbers game and sometimes you are going to be rejected. It’s the hard truth of life but what really matter is how you take the rejection and keep moving forward.
Simple thing is life does not end with one girl saying no to you. Even though you think that she is the one for you, always remember world is too big. This world is full of people moping around after rejection. In the end there is only one thing left to say, always play your game confidently. This is one of the quality which can increase your success rate. And if you get rejected just walk it off.
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