If you want to get your ex boyfriend back fast then you will need to first need to ignore him. These tips work even if he dumped you and makes use of texts and a plan to get him back.
The relationship with the guy you thought to be your dream man has come to a separation and now you have started missing him and realized that you truly loved him and want him back again. Many a times after the anger cools both the person realize the mistake and get back together again, while sometimes it is totally messed up.
One thing I want to tell you before I start that if your relationship was only for some days then getting your ex boyfriend back can be difficult task. After trying all the tips and tricks below if your boyfriend does not want to patch up with you than I suggest you to move on in life. There are lots of guys in the world who can be a perfect match for you.
According to a research 71% of the people miss their their ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend a lot and think for getting back with them. If you had a long relationship then it is 100% that your boyfriend is even missing you. While there is no time limit for love, but spending more time provides better understanding and involving a special person in life with whom you can share feelings. So now let’s begin with the tricks and learn how to get your ex boyfriend back in your life.
What was the reason behind your breakup
The first question what comes up before patching up with your ex is what was the reason behind your breakup? Many of the couples indulge in a small fight which then grows bigger and ends even a long term relationship. Whatever the case be, if both can forgive each other then only this breakup can be sealed. If the boy has cheated on you for another girl then I advise you to leave him because such person’s can never be trusted. Its natural you are going to miss a person to whom you loved, but there are many boys out there to whom you just need to give a chance. Had he lied to you something which you later came to know, also in this case if you can forgive then only follow the plan.
Never beg him to come back
It’s a standout amongst the most widely recognized responses to separation. Never cry and beg to show him how much you love him. This often makes the other person think you are weak and unattractive. After pleading him in tears if he patches up with you then this will not be an equal and long relationship. He will spend time with you and the aftermath of this relation will definitely be a breakup.
Never even ask to stay friends
So what will happen if you stay friends, according to me nothing, but it can spoil the plan. If you think that being friends you can stay close to him and again make him fall for you, but this is an actually a wrong idea. Being a friend will make you fall in his friend zone or he has just accepted your friend request because he doesn’t want to be rude and then he will start ignoring you.
Ban your contact from your side
At this point don’t be the first person to contact him and if he contacts you don’t be rude to him, but be unavailable and behave as if you are busy. Tell him you are doing some work and we can talk some other time. If he has made the first move then it will be a little simpler to get your ex boyfriend back, else don’t call him or try to contact him for two weeks or a month and later what you have to do I will show you.
Don’t spoil the plan with social media
Saying him sorry on facebook or keeping a sad status is a very bad idea. You will actually make him feel that you cannot live without him. You have to do the opposite thing, post some of your smiling pictures with your friends. Go out with your friends for a movie, shopping or for food, take some pictures and post them. Let your boyfriend understand that he is the one who is in loss after breakup. The time after breakup is a very sad time period which both the person face, but showing him that you are not desperate to be with you will make him insecure. He will start thinking that even after end of the relationship there is no effect on you and he is still so sad.
Now it’s the time for you to approach
I am assuming that your ex has not contacted you for the past two weeks and now you have to make that move. So message him a thing you did together and enjoyed. So for example you had went for a movie together, so text him that today I watched that xyz movie which made me smile and made me think about you. Or some dish that you ate when you both were together. Text a good memory where both of you enjoyed. Now he will reply like yes it was fun or cool and ask you like how are you? Then tell him you are fine and little busy as you have been late to catch up your friends for a movie or dinner and say bye. If replies negatively then don’t reply as your ex is still handling his emotions and need more time.
A more detail and expert written book to get your ex back with just texting is text your ex back. This is the best book which teaches you different texts to send and it claims to reunite couples with the power of texting.
If he replies positively
If he has replied something positive or neutral than the next day message him with a ‘hi’ and tell him that you could not continue the communication yesterday because you were too late for movie or anything with friends. After two or three days of texting if he asks you to hang out somewhere it’s a positive sign. If he does not then you ask him for a coffee. Tell him your all friends are busy and you want to go out for a coffee or dinner. Go to a place where you both can talk peacefully. Avoid going to movies and pub where there is lot of noise.
What to talk in you first meeting after breakup
Make him remind all the happy things you did together and also later discuss the cause of your breakup. Tell him that if you both had handled the situation properly their relationship could still be very strong. Speak casually and don’t pretend that you want him back. Now, after the first date after some days ask him for any plan but with your mutual friends if you have, else you can go alone. After few meeting it will be your ex boyfriend wanting you back or you can ask him to be back. If he is ignoring you then leave him and wait for another guy with who you can always stay happy.
A more detailed plan
Well, frankly speaking I am still on the intermediate level and not the expert. You can take the expert course to get a complete step by step detailed tutorial to get your ex boyfriend back. After reading this book about 80% of the separated couples have reunited. The magical tips and a complete understanding of the male psychology after breakup can help you to again start a happy life together.
Click Here : Advanced Guide to Get Ex Back
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