Find the best way to get your crush to like you and miss you back. Look good, talk confidently and flirt with your crush over text to make her fall in love.
You have seen a girl in your school or college or at work and developed crush on her. It is very easy for guys to start liking a girl, but when it comes to attract her, they fail. This is because they choose the wrong path which finally ends up being locked in the friend zone of the girl. So to help guys to get your crush like you back, we have provided you some of the best tips which will make her fall in love with you.
Women judge us, unconscious and constantly to determine if we are a good candidate fit to be thier partner or not. What can we do to improve the impression that we have on her and attract her? We have a number of aspects that will help you look like the man she wants which will make your crush like you.
Stay clean
The very first thing which is the most important is maintaining a personal hygiene that helps you look clean. Your face hair should be trimmed, clothes should be clean and your body should smell good. One of the oldest and best known truths is that women prefer a man always smelling good. A healthy diet can help with your natural scent, but apart from this use a good deodorant.
If you want to make her notice you then choosing the right color scheme can help you stand out from the crowd and make her look like at you, but you know what color is the most striking women? The Red. A study dedicated to finding things that they were more desirable (for women), gave a result indicating that a man wearing red shade, made him look more attractive (this does not mean that you look better surrounded or covered in red, just it makes you more noticeable to the brain). This will make her look at you and notice you without talking to her.
Another way to earn people is with your smile. If you want to be approachable and make your crush like you then you may want to show more smiling and friendly face. A sincere smile is a real boost to create a positive image in other mind. If people see you as an open, kind and cheerful person, this will work hopelessly well to attract her and also denotes confidence and interesting person. No women would like to date an uninteresting man. So try to be a happy person to make her believe that you can keep her happy.
Build some talent
To be liked by others, having some talent is fundamental. Taking part in competitions and showing off your talent can help you gain some fans in your college. A girl would like to date a guy who is famous and has a great talent in him. If you like a girl in your office, then one day when you all colleagues go out, you can display your talent.
One of the keys to being liked by your crush is to pay attention when you talk to them, do not interrupt when someone is telling you something. Although it may seem very basic, but it is a very common mistake and thus gives an awful impression. When you interact with others and if you do not listen them this gives the impression that you are narcissistic and selfish. It is important to focus on the other person and not yourself when you relate. Also don’t stay nervous, instead you should be the more confident person to show her that you can handle her and keep her happy.
The body posture
A man who tends to exhibit “open positions” may be more attractive to girls, versus one that is closed with their body language. Here comes into play the “dominant” and how they associate these positions (like stretching your legs, and take up more space with gestures) with a strong man, or “alpha male.” Those men who are with more timid gestures, or are less “aggressive” when initiating physical contact (like giving a handshake) are seen as men with less self-confidence, which translates to a less attractive type for her. Also the way your body posture is while talking to a girl makes a great impact on her mind. Whether you are confident or not, this will not be displayed by your words, but by your body language.
Flirting in person and over text is an important step that will help you get your crush to like you back. The right kind of flirting prevents you from being the friend zoned and at the same time is important from attraction point of view. If the girl you have crush is shy, then start with nice compliments and after a few days be more flirty. If you feel very nervous while flirting then you can use texts. Text flirting is a very good way, but make sure you don’t sound dirty or creepy.
Many men do not attach great importance to this aspect when it comes to a girl. However, a girl subconsciously does care if a guy can make him laugh or not. When a woman considers a man funny, you get this the most attractive and best game to be a couple. You need to make her laugh and not everyone around her because this will make you look like a joker. When a woman considers a man funny, it will make her think of him as a happy and confident person (both positive points for him). Do not underestimate the power to make her laugh.
Be masculine
During the evolution, a woman will be more willing to have an affair with a guy with strong muscles. Why? A strong body show high levels of testosterone, which translates into “more masculine a man” and genetically attractive. In the less fertile phase, women react differently to these individuals. What can you do? There are certain accessories like going to the gym and having a proper diet that can help highlight these attributes and help you get your crush to like you. When you ask a woman seeking a man, coming into the physical appearance, her interest focuses a lot on the appearance of the upper body, always preferring arms and broad shoulders. Not much to say about it, go to the gym and start doing push-ups and weights.
Be yourself
You should always be yourself and flee from falsehood. Do not try to be what you’re not to impress your crush because over time the girl you like will be disappointed. Everyone has a skill to finish watching the lies and falsehood, so do not play this card that is very dangerous and counterproductive. You must be genuine and sincere to get your crush to like you back because it is the only way to please others.
Important tips to get your crush like you
These tips will help you make the best possible impression on your crush and make her attracted to you without lie or pretend what you are not.
- Be yourself. It sounds cliché, but it is the best choice. You will like some and not others, but you should be authentic and this will not cause the feeling of being a fake person.
- The way you dress says a lot about the character of a person. It is not important that you put on branded clothes, just wear the clothes that you feel will look good on you.
- Be nice. Do not think that this can make you look cold. This tip can run on top models or very famous people, because everyone wants to be treated well.
- Be selective. Do not stay with people who you are bored or do not like; you will feel uncomfortable and they will notice and you will have the same feeling.
- Do not be modest. Talk about you, your achievements, your job and your passion. Bring out how good you are. Make yourself known to your crush, but never brag your wealth. It is fine that you brag about your achievements once or twice, but don’t keep repeating it always.
- It is important that you flirt and start giving subtle signals to your crush that you are interested in her.
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