How To Create Emotional Attraction With a Man

Find the best way to create emotional attraction with a man and make him attached to you. These tips will help you connect with the guy on an emotional level.

How To Create Emotional Attraction With a Man

Creating emotional attraction with a man is something that happens gradually. It all starts with first having a connection with him and then building up on that to get emotionally attached to each other. In order to properly create an emotional attraction with a man you need to go through the following stages. First of this is how to attract a man followed by how to connect with a man and then finally how to create emotional attraction with a man. So, to understand how it works, here this article explains it on step by step basis.

Emotionally attract a man

Before you can get to creating an emotional attraction, you first need to create some attract with a man. This is not brain surgery, it’s simple in order to get to the second floor you need to go through first floor. So, let’s first create an attraction between the two of you so that we can build on that in the future. In order to get him attracted to you here are some traits you need to understand before going out there.

Show Confidence

Confidence is the key to everything in life. If you don’t have confidence then at some point people will stop taking you seriously. As it’s said “Fake it till you make it” the same works for confidence as well. The thing is even if you are not confident from the inside the mere appearance of you being confident from the outside would do all work. In this case and from a guy’s perspective, why should he be attracted to you when you are not confident enough to be attracted to yourself. A confident woman is an attractive woman as she is sure of herself and that makes her appealing to the opposite sex.

Physical Appearance

Believe it or not till this day the primary way of attraction is physical attraction and so physical appearance matters. No guy even thinks about your personality before approaching you at the club, the only thing he thought about in that moment is “You look beautiful” or something similar. I know it seems a bit presumptuous, but it’s the truth and women do it as well.

So, now that we know that physical appearance matter let’s take care of our physical appearance when going out. First thing in that is your hygiene. You need to take a bath so you don’t smell bad, comb your hair so you don’t look messy and clip your nail so you look caring. Second is that of apparels, where nice clothes my main motto in all this is “Dress to Impress” and if you like jewelry wear it but don’t go overboard with it. A typical guy would always approach a girl who is properly dressed and looks good; it’s just how it is.

Body Language

It is very important to understand how body language affects you from attracting the guy you like. To understand this let’s take an example of a shy person; you know that that person is shy because you are able to read his body language. So this is something we are already using in our daily life but still don’t know how to use it to our advantage.

Using body language you can tell if a person is attracted to you or not in an instant, if he is lying or not and vice versa. Some of the tell tale signs of attraction in body language is if he is leaning towards you a bit, if his body is directed towards you and many more. Now that we know what we look for let’s see how to use it for our advantage. If you want a guy to kiss you or just make him think about kissing you then when you two are talking simply bite your lower lip just a little bit. This will get his attention to your lips and the rest will take care of itself. There are many more of these tricks but for that you have to learn about body language.

Sense of Humor

The only thing that’s more attractive than your physical appearance is your sense of humor. A man may approach you because of your look but he stays for your sense of humor. Having a great sense of humor lets people relax a bit and talk about whatever they feel like. In other words having a great sense of humor will make him stay because he is not afraid to talk to you or make fun of you, something that is very rare in this day and age. So lighten up a bit and don’t take everything in life too seriously.

Connect emotionally with a man

Once you know a guy is attracted to you than it’s very important for the two of you to have a connection otherwise it would not work out. Having a connection doesn’t necessarily means to have thing in common because eventually you will run out of common things to talk about. However, if you two can talk freely with each other without being judgmental then you have a very good chance of developing a real connection. If you want to create emotional attraction with a man then first you need to conned with him emotionally. Here are some things that can help you develop and maintain a good connection.

Be Approving

People don’t usually like to talk to people that dismisses them all the time. However, a person that is ready to listen to other person and then response accordingly is a very refreshing concept. In today’s world people are so busy with technology that they don’t even listen to the other person’s plan before criticizing it. This is something that you can give your partner, a place to discuss anything without fear of being judged or criticized. Remember, I am not suggesting that you don’t tell him when he is doing something wrong but rather asking you to consider the way you tell him, as that makes all the difference in the world.

Be Mysterious

Life gets real boring real soon, when everything you do is previously planned. Sometimes it’s better to go off the track and have some fun then to have a boring but safe life. In no way I am suggesting that you shouldn’t have a five year plan or a ten year plan. However, I am suggesting that you live in the moment as well. Learn to live in the moment is all I am saying. Little things like spontaneous making out in your car or out of the blue dinner dates gives you a little edge in being mysterious. This all keeps your love life interesting and helps you develop a real connection with him.

Connect Intellectually

Intellectual attraction is just as important as physical one. If two people cannot connect intellectually then it gets very difficult to carry on with the relationship. This is not something hard, I am not suggesting you get a PhD on him, just asking you to listen to what he says and ask questions and have a proper conversation. Now, this conversation can be about anything you like or he likes. The simplest way to connect intellectually is to have a proper conversation as that’s really the only thing you need.

Tips to create emotional attraction with a man

Now that you know how to attract and connect with a man, it’s about time you learn how to create emotional attraction with a man. Emotional attraction is when you two are so comfortable with each other that you can finish each other’s sentences. Some of the ways to get there are mentioned below.

Shared Secrets

Shared secrets, is you or him sharing something that is sacred. This act alone tells you about the trust between you two. The truth is these are the things that make your relationship strong day by day. Showing each other your most vulnerable side might be scary but it’s also something that gets him to open up a bit. Even though it’s the scariest thing about a relationship it’s also the best way to create a strong emotional attraction with him.

Avoid Dirty Fighting

In a relationship there are going to be some fighting but the thing that you need to avoid is dirty fighting. Some people tend to get a lot more personal when fighting, like it’s a war and they need to win at all cost. However they forget that end of the day both of you are on the same side, so win or lose you lose if you fight dirty. I would have recommended avoiding fighting at all cost but that’s not possible and it’s not even healthy for a relationship, although I do recommend avoiding dirty fights at all cost.

Soft Touches

When you are dating or have a relationship then soft touches means a lot. A little tap on the back or hand holding in public and even a hand on the lower back sometimes feels good as it assures you of his attraction for you. The same thing works in reverse as well. In fact a guy loves to show off his girlfriend then a girl does. Hence, it’s a lot more effective when a girl goes for those soft touches. This boost guys ego and that leads him to be emotionally attracted to you.

Safe Haven

The best thing about being in a relationship or dating you should be a safe haven. Safe haven means a place where you feel safe from everything in life. So, if you could give him that then there is no way he would ever leave you. When the least he could do is openly talk to you no matter what he did then that makes you emotionally attractive for him.

I hope from all the above steps you have learned to create emotional attraction with a man and make him obsessed for you. It’s quite normal to get rejected or to get dumped. However, the thing that you need to keep in mind is that the right person is out there and the princess may need to kiss a lot of frogs before she finds her prince. So, don’t give up hope because all it takes is little bit of hope to make it work.