12 Signs It is the Right Time To Say I Love You

Are you confused when to express your feelings to the guy or girl? Check these signs to know if it is the right time to say I love you in a relationship.

12 Signs It is the Right Time To Say I Love You

Human relationships are not easy. Love at first sight, I’m sorry to tell you that does not exist, unless someone looks attractive. It takes time and effort on both sides to at least meet and know if they really love each other. And another tricky detail is knowing the right time to say I love you for the first time. Since you are a real person, and you live in reality, I regret to tell you that it is NOT like in the movies. So when in the best time? Here are some of the best signs to look before proposing the girl.

When you know you will not scare her

There are people who have been very hurt in the past, or who are afraid of relationships (for this or other reasons). If you’ve known him for a long time, you’ll know what things scare them and what not. In such cases you should somewhere in the middle of the talk ask them about being in relationships. Knowing them is the key to love and getting a positive outcome. If you think you will not scare her then go ahead and say “I love you” to your girl or guy.

When you are sure you love her

It is one thing that you secretly like a person, and another very different is that you love that person. You may experience it differently, but when you are sure it is love, it may be a right time to say I love you in your relationship. The other person may not respond immediately, but give them time to process. You know that you love her, but also make sure that you firstly drop hints to her and then let her know about your feelings.

Can accept her problems

There is no person without history, or without emotional baggage. Everyone has troubles and you have to learn to deal with them or solve them. So before saying that you love her, ask yourself if you are capable of loving him/her in your current situation. It’s not just about you, it’s about the other person, and what you want may not be good for them. So, first analyze the situation and of you feel that her troubles in life will have no effect on you then go ahead with your proposal.

Dealing with the difficult times

Things are going to get difficult sooner or later. In that phase you will ask if you chose well, if their families will not interfere, if any disease will not test them, or if the economic crisis will force them to travel to work. Life does not tend to move according to our desires, and love is one of the forces that holds couples, families and friends together, among others. Think of such situations beforehand and if you think you can deal with such situations then go and talk to her about what you feel.

When your partner knows your intentions

Once your bond is more or less stable, let them know that your intentions are serious. Without saying it directly, slide some details that you have started liking her. She is someone that you would trust and want to have by your side. There are those who react badly to the statement, and things sometimes do not go the way you want. However, if you have worked out before to properly attract the girl then she will definitely react positively.

When you can take care of her

Being a person, by definition, distances you from perfection. If she fells into bed with an illness that makes her look like dull then can you take care for her (or at least sends help if you are away for some reason). It means that you loves her, even if she is not at her best. While there are toxic relationships, where rare moments are good, no one is saved from getting sick, for example, or having to overcome defects (and can evolve from two to two). You must know whether you can love and take care of her and then only proceed to say “I love you”.

When you can stay loyal

In this case, let’s take the classic monogamous relationship that is so well known in these times (it is somewhat more complicated in a polygamous). Love is something serious, and you cannot say that you love it lightly. If you are serious about the guy or girl then its the right time to say I love you. At this point, when you know what kind of relationship you want and you have agreed on certain rules, you step on more solid ground, and then comes the declaration of love.

When you are not afraid to answer

Sometimes knowing that your partner loves you can be frightening, when you perceive that it is not something mutual. But sometimes it feels like something natural, the next step that flows like silk, and you feel happy to have heard those words that you from the guy/girl. There are times when the guy/girl will say I love and ask what you feel for them and this is a very good sign.

When your head is clear

When there is no alcohol, sex, or few months of relationship then its the right time to say I love you. To say that you love your partner you have to do it in sobriety, with a clear head. They deserve to remember it, or at least have all the tokens to remember it. Also, do not say it before, during or after sex, hormones may make you say things that make your partner run away. And do not worry, do not say it after two months, no matter how magical your relationship may seem.

When your relationship has grown

But beware that many times the relationship is not ripe for a “I love you” and everything can go wrong. If you say it too soon, she may believe that you are accustomed to doing it with all your dates. If you already feel that you love him/her, but have recently had a broken relationship, reserve your feelings for a while. Wait until you know that it is time to express your feelings.

More signs that it’s the right time

If you are in a new relationship and you do not know the right time to say “I love you” for the first time, this is your chance to clear all your doubts. Check these signs and decide once and for all to do so.

  1. When there are signs it is a serious relationship and not just an adventure.
  2. When you know it is true love and not just a whim.
  3. You can see yourself in 5 years with her.
  4. When she already told you.

The best way to say “I love you” is to do it in person, in a romantic moment, whispering in their ear. If you are confident then look into his or her eyes and say it with love and confidence. Try not to do so by text message, by email or on a piece of paper. For the first time it is better to say it in person.

When NOT to say “I love you”

If she told you, but you’re not sure, better tell her that you like spending time with her and that maybe someday you will feel love, as the some time goes by. No need to lie, there are many things you can say without hurting.

Saying “I love you” for the first time is not easy, and many times you do not know when the time is right. Some simply think that the best time is when it comes to mind and you really feel it, and not be preparing it for days. You know that the risk of you planning it for a long time is that it is overacted and forced. The more natural it is, the better.

You see that the best time to say “I love you” is when you really feel the love in your heart and the relationship seems to be going well. Never rush things, or say it when you do not know if you are important to him, after all saying “I love you” is a big step in any relationship.