Find the most important topics to discuss before marriage. Including these questions in your conversation will help you both better understand the life after marriage.
Talking with your partner is fundamental to getting an understanding. There may be times when you do not feel like it, but you must do it for the sake of the relationship. Marriage is a wonderful act of love and needs work, compassion and commitment to succeed. However, with the divorce rate at one of its highest levels, the reality is that you take this step without knowing what awaits you.
Once the wedding is over, you have to get back to reality and move on with your life. In many cases, despite the difficulties, you will have to face them with your partner. However, it is also possible that the marriage will break up if things do not go well. If you just take the big step of making your relationship official or you are about to do it, keep in mind these things to talk with your partner and topics to discuss before marriage.
Handling difficult situations
The flame of love does not always shine like the first day. How many people renounce marriage because they feel the spark is disappearing? It may be difficult to imagine that the feeling you are experiencing is going to go away, but you must find out for yourself what the true meaning of love is. It is not necessarily a romantic movie whim with a “happy ending.” You must be prepared to endure the difficult stages. You both must understand that, even if the flame shines low, it does not mean that your marriage is a failure.
Love grows in different ways
You do not necessarily have to be infatuated with someone to know that you are in love and have a successful marriage. True love requires time and effort. It needs a lot of care for it to flower. You may be one of the people who consider that there are only two extremes, to love or not to do, leaving aside the stages that are in the middle. Let the marriage take its course and do not analyze the bumps too much. This will make you wonder if you love your partner enough.
The attraction will not always be there
Assume the fact that you will not always feel physical attraction to your partner. While it is very important in our society, conscious of the image, it can often happen that even if you are with someone who attracts you a lot, the relationship does not work. This can bring phases of doubt about whether this means that you stopped loving your partner. Questioning your relationship when attraction towards your partner seems to be going downwards, change is normal. So you should talk honestly with your partner about this.
Showing love in difficult times
You must show love, even in times when you do not want to do it. Things will not always go great. For this reason, it is easy to behave almost childlike when your partner has hurt you. When you are in such situations, it is possible that your feeling of love diminishes and that you feel reluctant to show affection. For a marriage to survive it is important that you sometimes swallow your pride and perform acts of love even when you do not want to. So you better start thinking about sharing a cup of tea and talking honestly with your partner after a discussion. Small acts of pettiness can cause resentment both to yourself and to your partner.
Married life is a journey
You may feel you have achieved the ultimate goal with your partner, but marriage is difficult and you need help to grow and thrive, both with your partner and yourself. There are difficult times that seem to be designed to flush out all the negative and positive emotions within you. Use those emotions to build and not to tear down. If you do well, you can reap the fruits marriage has to offer. If you decide to talk honestly with your partner, you may both discover a number of ways to grow together and stay together throughout this long journey.
About children
One of the questions and topics to discuss before marriage is about having children. Having children causes disturbance in marriage. Everyone knows that having children is a wonderful part of life, but at the same time it is very difficult in a marriage. It is possible that, even if you are living the best of marriages, you suffer from a period of tension. That’s why it’s important to talk and discuss this topic before marriage about when you think it’s a good idea to have children. Take your time and strive to enjoy the time you spend together.
Personal space
Being in a relationship never means you should put an end to your personal space. This is an important thing you should talk with your partner before marriage. Both should discuss the boundaries and never cross the line. Having some time with friends or anything that gives you joy will better help you to deal with your marriage.
About financial condition
Well you both need to definitely discuss this topic before marriage. The reason is to know how you will manage to run the house. Whether you both will work or one will take care of the house and other will work. It depends on couple to couple on how they want their marriage. Also, you must talk about the lifestyle after marriage. Can your combined money will be able to handle this lifestyle. So, you must never overlook this topic in conversation before getting married.
Physical love needs emotional connection
Sexuality in the couple is a vital way to show love and appreciate each other. It is about learning to give and receive in a loving way and not a way to gain power, security or validation. If the connection is based on feelings, then sex will decrease less during marriage. Over time it will change and this is normal. Remember to talk to your partner and be open with respect to what you feel and want.
Marriage does not survive without communication. Talking with your partner will allow you to enjoy a successful marriage. Repressed secrets and emotions only cause pain and result in the destruction of the relationship. Expose your feelings and emotions to your partner constructively. This will make both of you happier. Thus, the tensions in your marriage will be eliminated and honesty will remain afloat. This will not always be easy which is why you must work on it with your partner to get around the difficulties.
These were very important things which give a very clear insight about the life your partner needs after marriage. You will get a very short glimpse on your life with this guy/girl after getting married. This will show you whether you both can live together happily throughout the long marriage journey.
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