Many people after breakup have one question that can you be friends with your ex boyfriend or girlfriend. Take this test to know if it is possible in your situation or not.
Much is said about this topic and many say it is not healthy or desirable to remain friends with our ex, because there are chances of relapse. There is also a possibility that one can harm the other. Hence, some professionals say it is better to cut the ties with your ex because it can lead to complications in both people’s life. On the other side are those who think differently and argue that a person with whom you’ve hit it off can continue positive things while being friends. So can you be friends with your ex? For that you need to take this test to find out what is your situation and is it possible for you to remain friends.
Get over your ex
Never stay friends with your ex if you have not overcome your breakup, you will only have hope that someday you both can get back together. That hope is not good for you and you just will not be able progress in life. Even if you do not even feel anything, it can happen that your ex does have intentions to return and feel hopeful about this new friendship that will prevent the two from moving forward. The heart needs time to heal and that is why you should avoid becoming friends with your ex immediately after your breakup.
It certainly takes a lot more strength and commitment to continue alone. But clearly avoid being friends with an ex is the best option. This does not mean that they cannot maintain a good relationship in the future with the passage of time and when both outfoxed the past relationship.
Moment of peace
You should be able to face loneliness on your own and spend time with yourself to find peace within yourself. It may happen that the fear of being alone makes you take the impulsive decision to remain friends with your ex. But you really must think you’re not doing friendship with a good intention, but the fact of not feeling alone. You must be able to cope well with yourself and only then can enjoy a friendship with your ex.
Is this decision mutual
However, contrary to what may seem, being friends with your ex is not a hopeless situation as mature people can assimilate the situation and adjust so that no conflicts or disruptions occur. In most cases, friendship with ex is only possible when the separation occurred amicably by both parties. If the breakup was very painful, it is better to get away and be without seeing the person for a while. In the event that an approximation occurs, the amicable settlement will only be possible if both parties have overcome the breakdown of the relationship. If both of you decide to stay friends then definitely there can be friendship with your ex.
There should be no feelings
On the other hand, we all know the fact that a relationship is over does not necessarily mean that love is over. Sometimes it is very difficult, since one of the two can still have feelings for the other person and friendship would be impossible.
A breakup changes everything about the dynamics of the relationship. You broken relationship cannot be loving as before and if any of you still has feelings then it will be a discomfort among you until both actually manage to overcome the situation. This will feel hurt if he/she comes out with another and still you have feelings for your ex. You should be concerned if it is worth sacrificing your peace of mind for friendship with your ex.
Was your relationship toxic
Among the main reasons we can mention the fact that if you had a toxic relationship, it is not advisable that you remain friends with your ex. It is a person who does nothing positive rather like sinking you into a sea of problems. A particularly serious case, in the context of toxic relationships is one in which there has been some kind of abuse.
Better stay alone than badly accompanied. Your ex is past and now you can try to make new friends, or resume contact with your relatives. This is even more remarkable if he or she was the one who made you cut ties with family and friends. If this is the case, you have left a toxic and abusive relationship and there is no reason to be friends with such a person.
Does this affect your current relationship
One of the best arguments to cut a relationship with a former partner is to avoid conflicts with a new one. If anyone that can make your partner jealous is your ex. Former boyfriends and girlfriends are seen by the current partner as a source of temptation for you. If your current partner is not ok and shows too much jealousy when you are with your ex, then this can lead to a breakup. It’s now in your hand to whether be friends with your ex or not.
Love to friendship
Why do people have the need to keep in touch with a former partner? Researchers at the University of California, have determined the three fundamental pillars on which a relationship is based: sexuality, love and loyalty.
After the breakup, sexuality is not a factor to be considered and all that remains is the love and support. At this very moment it is when you begin to forge a friendship based on sympathy and trust. Therefore, many people choose to keep their old love, as they still feel love and affection for that person. They believe that despite not being able to stay together as a couple, they may do so as friends. In this case being friends with your ex is entirely understandable.
According to psychologists, this phenomenon can be explained as follows: sexuality is an exclusive feature of romantic relationships. The care of each other is a factor of friendship and sometimes you tend to choose friendship over sexuality.
Relationships are complex, because humans are complex beings. Each human is unique which tends to make each relationship unique. Also, every couple is different, and depending on the situation and its actors, it may be good or bad idea to stay friends with your ex. Now, I have shown you everything and it is your decision if you want to stay friends or not.
In the end, keep in touch with an old partner is a personal decision that has risks and can lead to conflict but it can also be a great strong wealth and happiness, although it may not be from the same place it was before. Without having a standard, it is you who have to be smart and, considering some of the circumstances that I have told you and others that you should consider to make the best decision.
Click Here : Advanced Guide to Get Ex Back
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