Signs To Tell If You Are With The Wrong Guy

Check these signs to tell if you are with the wrong guy. Honestly answer the questions to know if the guy is serious or you should end the relationship.

Signs To Tell If You Are With The Wrong Guy

If you’re starting to date someone, certainly in thought mix of fear and excitement, faith and doubt. You wonder if that person is the one you’ve been looking for and if it’s time to relax and open your heart. And although you cannot avoid excitement and that smile that shoots when you just think about him, but you want to make sure not to go too fast, not to force things or make mistakes that already made you suffer in the past.

The beginnings of a relationship are in short, exciting and somewhat disturbing. The best thing to do is forget about past experiences and listen to your heart, that inner voice that tells us what we really want and often stifle and silenced out of fear.

One way to clarify your ideas is to make a series of questions. If you’re really sincere and honest then this will tell you if you’re on track with that person or if instead, you choose someone wrong. These are some signs to tell if you are with the wrong guy the guy is not serious about you.

The heart, intuition and reasons can tell us whether we are on track with that person. There are questions you can ask yourself when you have a quiet time and that will help you be more aware and tell you are in relationship with the wrong guy or not. Do not be afraid to answer, because your words will act as an emotional compass that will guide you. Maybe you want your current boyfriend is the love of your life, but deep down you know that you are not compatible. Ready to be honest?

Signs to tell you should end the relationship

Take this quiz and ask yourself these simple questions to tell if you are with the wrong guy or not.

  1. He treats me as a special person in life or not? This is the very first question that does he feel special and good about you with him. If you have any doubt from his behavior then it is best to speak directly to your guy. If he treats you well, take you to different places and makes you feel special around his friends then he is madly in love with you. But if he treats you like a colleague or intended to spend the evening with his gang of buddies in a bar and not even look at you when you are with them, it’s simple, he is not serious about the relationship.
  2. How much time his past relationships lasted? When a person has been in a relationship many times before and he has only broke hearts of many women. In this case it is very simple to say that he can be a bad choice for you. And if you think that he is really in love with you then also it is important that you study his past relationships from their former partner and then take the decision.
  3. Do I want children with him? It’s not that you necessarily have to have them, but to decide if you could see him as a father of your children. Because if you are seriously considering having children with your guy then he can be a good match for you.
  4. I want him to be the father of my children? This statement will make it very easy for you to make a decision about him. Be true and ask yourself would you want your children to have him as a farther. If your inner voice says ‘no’, then maybe love and trust are absent in your relationship. This signs to tell if you are with the wrong guy or he is the right choice.
  5. I would like to grow old with him? Start thinking and imagining again that would you like to grow old and live your life with this guy. Do you think you both will be able to handle all the downs in your relationship. Do you think he will do is best to keep you happy. If the answer is ‘no’ then there are certain qualities about him that you dislike and this gives you a doubt whether or not he is the perfect guy for you.
  6. I want to change him in certain ways? Do you want this guy to change his certain habits or way of thinking. There are a few things which you would adjust with, but if there are a few which you can not manage then maybe how much good he is, your relationship will suffer a lot of problems. This situation can be avoided only if you feel you can adjust with him.
  7. Does he include me in his plans or it is just physical for him? If he t never suggests you to go to the movies or to spend a weekend, but all your quotes are at night and just about sex. This tells clear that he wants to have a good time with you, but he is not serious.

More signs to tell if you are with the wrong guy

  1. Do you feel that you are yourself when you’re with him?
  2. Do you assertively discuss or rather you criticize their backs because they do not know how to tell it?
  3. Do you feel admiration for your partner?
  4. Does make you laugh and tries to keep you happy?
  5. After doing something together, how is your energy level? (Remember that this is an infallible indicator. Does his company is of someone who which leaves you calm, inspired and happy or do you feel tired, confused, guilty or anxious?
  6. Do you think your relationship is as perfect as it is, with its ups and downs and shortcomings, or secretly you still expect to become “perfect”?
  7. Do you feel real attraction for him or you just pretend desire and sexual satisfaction?
  8. Are you able to discuss any matter with him or there are questions that you do because you’re afraid to know the answers? (And that they put an end to your relationship)
  9. Does this guy has introduced you to his family and friends? If not then he is still not sure about you.
  10. And does he provide you with enough space or feel suffocated?
  11. Answer without thinking, can you imagine spending the rest of your life with him?
  12. Do you have to repress or hide some trait of your personality, a hobby or a friendship that are important to you just because he does not like? If yes, then this relationship is harming you and you should end it.
  13. Do you feel feminine when you’re with him?
  14. When you argue with him or you feel hurt, do you have the confidence to talk about it?
  15. Do they support your values and life projects?

While we cannot predict the future, close your eyes and be very honest with yourself. Deep down in your heart do you feel that the relationship has a future or not?