Find the best way to make a girl like you over text or facebook, whatsapp chats. These tips will teach you what to talk while texting to impress the girl.
With the advancing technology and use of mobile phones becoming common, text flirting has becoming a very important part in the dating science. Chatting and texting is much more fun then normal conversation and the best part is you won’t mumble while texting a flirty message. There are thousands of guys in each corner of the world who want to learn the art of how to make a girl like you over text. Since even you are one of those guys, here are some of the tips that will teach you the game of texting and attracting any girl towards you.
Text conversations should be fun
The basic principle of texting or the first rule to make a girl like you over text is to maintain the humor and keep the conversations funny. It hardly matters that the girl you are sending text or chatting is a new girl or someone you know for quire sometime. What matters is that your texts should be funny and playful, else it will make the girl bored and she won’t be interested anymore to talk to you for a long time. Also remember that you start the conversation using any pickup line and try to end it with a question. Studies have shown that texts with questions are replied faster. So before moving ahead, remember this first rule of texting and try to maintain the level of fun in your conversation because this will make the girl to talk to you more and finally end up liking you.
Fun teasing helps over text
As far as surveys from girls, they like when guys playfully tease them in person as well over text or chats. This makes them smile and bounce back poking you and this maintains the level of participation from both sides. Never hesitate to poke the girl in a mischievous way because this will not only make her laugh, but at the same time it will depict that you are not shy and know the tricks to keep girls entertained. This fun teasing is also a great way which makes the girl think of you as a confident person and this works to make her like you. Surf the internet and checkout for some fun teasing lines which you can use in your text conversation.
No general conversations
One of the crucial strategies for an excellent texting game is setting up a superb conversational link. When you are ready to text any girl for the first time, remember that this is your first impression in text conversations and if you want to make a girl like you over text then remember that formal conversations won’t work. For the first text you must never write “Hii..How are you?”. This general text usually ends up being not answered by the girl you just met at a party. So if you want her to be exited talking with you, then a simple step is to avoid using general text and start with the game of flirting.
She must feel special
If you know how to make her feel special over text then definitely you will be able to make a girl like you over text. Flirt with her because this will subtly send the necessary signals to make her understand that you want to be her boyfriend and not want to be “just friends”. Remember to start your conversation with a flirty line like “What is the beautiful, I met today (at some place) doing?” or use “Ting-tong, where is the adorable or hot or sexy girl, (her name)? ”. In these message you are calling the girl beautiful and adorable which makes her feel special and keeps your flirting clean because for the beginning you must not go to dirty flirting. Follow this tip because it is the best working way to make a girl like you over facebook or whatsapp or texts.
Call-back humor in texts
Using call-back humor is a smart way by which you can accomplish the most significant ambitions of first text game which is to remind girl the attraction and interest that she experienced while she initially met you. At the time of exchanging numbers I always save the girl’s number with a nickname like for example “Jasmine” and ask her to save my name as “Aladdin”. You can keep any nickname using any famous cartoon couples. This can create your virtual names and you can sometimes text her like, ”Hey Aladdin is missing his Jasmine”. All this creates both humor and flirting which will help you make a girl like you over text.
Avoid being eager
Becoming too eager is one of the most common blunders that guys make while impressing a girl over facebook, whatsapp or texts. With regular texting you won’t even recognize that you have entered the ‘being eager’ zone. For example, sending several dull and old pickup lines or questions to a girl or texting a detailed response for her question or sending texts all the time are signs of eagerness. You must prevent falling in it as this will make the girl uninterested in you.
Don’t text her too much
It happens with many guys that they initially had most interesting conversations for a few days and later it started becoming cold and boring. The one simple reason behind this is that being too much available to her has reduced her interest in you. Hence it is very much important to be unavailable to the girl for making her miss you and realize the importance of your texts. If you want to impress a girl over text or in real, you need to make her miss you which can be done by staying unavailable.
Attractive girls like some sort of competition and they like a guy who is in demand and liked by many girl. They are not interested in a guy who has all the time to text her and does not have the ability of being mysterious. I am definitely not asking you to stop talking to girl for days, but it is good that some days you must reply late. Suppose she texts you then reply 15 minutes and avoid an explanation for it. This must be done sometimes because frequently replaying her late can make her feel annoyed.
Ask her out often
Remember that to make a girl like you over text, you must never hesitate to ask her out for coffee, movies or any sort of fun. If you fail to meet her in person then you will lose your chances for dating her. In person conversations and spending time together are also important apart from chatting and texts. At the time of meeting, don’t act shy or boring. Be the kind of guy you are when sending texts. Flirt with her, have fun and don’t make her feel that you are a boring person and you can only show off confidence in your texts.
These are some of the ways which will help you make any girl like you with the power of texting.
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