8 Tips To Forget Your Ex

Use these tips to forget your ex girlfriend/boyfriend completely and be happy again. It will help you quickly move on and forget someone you once loved.

8 Tips To Forget Your Ex

While it is not easy to forget certain people, no one is irreplaceable. It’s just a matter of waiting for the wounds to heal and be attentive to the next person to help us get over and make us feel loved again. But there are many men and women who find it harder to recover from an emotional breakdown. Hence to make your task simpler, find the best tips to forget your ex and happily move on in life. If you are the one who is confused whether you have got over your ex or not, here are some of tips to identify whether you still miss your ex like crazy.

How to identify if you’re addicted to your ex?

  1. The desire to contact is so intense that you have to count the days since the last time you did it, just as an alcoholic count the days of sobriety.
  2. After the breakup you have difficulty sleeping and feel that since your partner is gone everything is lost and your life is ruined.
  3. Without realizing it, you replaced your partner’s addiction to another addiction, like alcohol, drugs or by casual and frequent relations.
  4. You keep stalking his/her profile on social media.

Here are the key ways that will help you start a new life after the emotional breakdown of breakup.

  1. Do you still want to remain friends with your ex? Be honest with yourself, what is your intention? If you really want your ex to be friends with you, then first you need to completely move on in life. If you plan is to first be friends with him/her and again get into relationship then believe me that it will hurt you later. Being friends with your ex is no problem, but first you need to let time pass so that everything is forgotten.
  2. Once you breakup with the person you loved once, you start feeling alone and his/her memories are not letting you concentrate. You are somewhat depressed with a heartache of losing him/her. To tackle all these problems and to completely forget your ex, friends can prove to be helpful. Whenever you ex memory come to your mind or you are feeling sad, it is best to call or meet friends. Never stay alone as it will further take you deep in depression and heartache. So try to hangout and enjoy your friends company to forget and get over your ex.
  3. Do not investigate or spy on ex after breakup. You may be curious to know what your ex is doing or is he/she dating someone, but it is totally insane and very painful. Keep your ex “out of sight and out of mind”. The less you know about him/her, the better it is to overcome your past relationship.
  4. Get him/her out of Facebook. Facebook can become your worst nightmare and above all you cannot resist seeing his/her photos. If you really want to forget your ex girlfriend/boyfriend delete him/her from the list of friends. If you don’t want to look rude then it is better to leave Facebook for a while until your ex makes no difference to your life.
  5. Delete his/her photos. You are wrong if you get home, put romantic music, you lie on the couch and you see photos of your ex … Never again! Although it is a radical step, if you’re suffering so much for him/her you should not have anything at home or in your phone that reminds you about him/her. If you want to start a new life and forget your ex, you have to eliminate all past memories, at least for a while.
  6. Delete his number. We have made this step for the end because we know it will cost a lot. So ask yourself a question do you really want to forget? Then you have to cut all communication and not quite expect anything from him/her. If your ex girlfriend/boyfriend whatsapp feeds temp you to contact or if you feel tempted to text or call then best to delete the number. If necessary, change your phone number so he/she cannot reach you. It will cost you, but eventually you will feel liberated.
  7. Have fun. Surely it will take a time to love someone new and really feel something for someone, but in the meantime enjoy! It will help a lot to forget and get over your ex giving a boost to your self esteem. Go out with other men/women and play the dating game. Take a trip with your friends somewhere and enjoy there for a week. A change of air will give new insights to your life.
  8. Lastly, this advice would certainly assist you to forget your ex after breakup. As soon as you realize the great things about getting over your ex, you will find yourself instantly in a position to turn out well and be much happier. So what’s the advantage of forgetting him/her? The advantage of moving on is to once again get a joyful and happy life. The advantage is the happy life you will get once you move on, isn’t that worth? You will end up without any emotional tension, sadness and pain. As long as you fail to forget your past girlfriend/boyfriend you are going to keep yourself unhappy as well as depressed. So it is better to end this right now to bring joy to life. Also, maybe someone more loving partner is waiting for you.

More tips to forget your ex

For those who cannot forget your past relationship, but also know that there is no possibility of reviving the relationship, we compiled a list of tips that may help.

  1. Rehearse your own farewell. Write a letter describing your feelings, your grief and your hopes. You do not have to send it to your ex. Simply burn or flush it and tell yourself that this chapter of life is over.
  2. This can be difficult, especially in the era of social networks in which we live. Lock your phone or and Facebook profile or delete him/her. Do not be tempted to spy on their wall or call them.
  3. Stay active socially. Plan outings with friends, especially during special days you used to share with him, such as Valentine’s Day or Christmas. Avoid being alone at home.
  4. In a box, take all the pictures, clothes or gifts that remind you of old times. Removing these things from your sight will help you forget your ex quickly.
  5. Make a list of activities you always wanted to do. You can take a class at the local community college, register yourself in the gym, play a sport or learn something new. No matter what you choose, the important thing is to get out and meet people who enjoy the same activities as you.
  6. Learn from your experiences. Examines the relationship and try to learn from it. Remember what you were like before meeting your ex, then what activities you liked and who were your friends. Do you feel you’ve changed? In what sense? Again be that happy guy/girl who is free from all negative emotions and ready to start a new phase without your ex torturing you emotionally.

If still after trying all these steps you are not able to recover then consulting a therapist is essential to get out of this depression phase of your life. Try to rediscover your essence and be true to yourself. Do not forget that the key to happiness is within you. You do not need any ungrateful ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, who failed to appreciate you, so just be happy.

Click Here : Advanced Guide to Get Ex Back