Find the best topics to talk about with your girlfriend in person and over text to keep her interested. This will prevent you from running out of things to say.
Do you feel that your relationship is going south just because there is nothing much left that you two may want to talk about? Or is it getting hard for you to start conversations with your girlfriend and it’s been a while since you both had a nice conversation about anything? Or you have just been back from a bad date because you didn’t know what to talk about?
If this is your problem then you are in the right place because here you will learn everything you need to know on topics to talk about with your girlfriend. You see this is a very common problem running out of topics to talk about whether you have just started dating or you have been together for a while. So just relax, read and learn about the best topics to talk about with your girlfriend.
First, you should know that every girl is different so your girlfriend might be different from your friends, so the topics that work for her might not work for you as it is in bed. First let’s just learn on how to get the topics out of her and learn what she likes to talk about and then we will see the second thing. Sometimes it just best to go back to the basics which is the all time favorite topics that women would love to talk about and in the end there is some advice on what not to talk about with your girlfriend.
Five Step Process to Success
This process helps you to get to know your girlfriend a little bit better and from knowing her you will be able to determine the topics to talk about with her easily. As you know every girl is different so in order to know the particular topics that you can use to talk with your girlfriend you need to go through these five steps. This will help you explore her mind a bit and show you how you can get more intimate with her or connect with her on deeper level.
1. Listen Carefully
First thing to know about talking to your girlfriend is that you need to shut the hell up and let her speak her mind. As soon as you shut up and she is talking you need to listen carefully for what she has to say because as all of us know that women like to talk and by talk I mean talk all the time. So let her talk all they want and you just listen to what she is telling and respond appropriately in between like “Umm Hmm” or by using your words or by some suggestion or maybe joking around a bit. Never interrupt her with something that is irrelevant or shut her up or take over the conversation like most men tend to do, just let it go and let her finish.
2. Her Likes and Dislikes
Once you have listened to her talk you will have a subtle idea of her likes and dislike, so use it to your advantage. For example is she likes to be surprised then you may send her a bouquet of flowers at her work place or take her to a surprise dinner.
Whenever you think that the talking is getting slow, you could add fuel to the fire by suggesting some topic that she has a strong opinion about or about something that she likes, like say a puppy, or kitten or anything that matters to her. For me it works when I start hinting on some food that I like and then she will start talking about the food she ate some restaurant. This can go on and on and all you have to do is sit back make a few suggestion, have few laughs and have a great time.
3. Express Yourself
You know sometimes guys hold back on expressing themselves just because they think they will mess the flow but don’t do that. If you think you have something to say that is relevant to the topic then you should definitely share it. You never know how funny or how good that might make her feel that you were actually listening or that you agree with her. For an example, lots of adventure loving people would like to swim with the dolphins. If she is one of them and you know something about it then you must share it because then she will know that you are interested and then it might even turn into a mini-vacation for you guys down the road.
4. Personal Experience
Sometime if you listen carefully then you will notice that what your girlfriend is talking about has happened to you as well. I mean you have shared a similar experience. When you are discussing it later you can also add your story in the conversation and believe me she will love it. This is what that makes it something that you both have in common. Girls love it when they find something in common with their boyfriend and a proof for that is you will never see a girl outside without matching clothes, makeup and accessories. When they have something that matches with you than they feel more close to you which make them feel more comfortable.
5. Talk and Switch
Talk and switch is one the best communication trick because it gives us the illusion that we have so many things to talk about. It makes us feel compatible for each other. In talk and switch what you do is you talk about one thing for a while and then you switch to a topic related or unrelated to the current topic. Then once again you switch and then maybe you could come back to the original topic or some topic in the middle.
This is definitely going to get confusing but will give your girl the illusion that you both have so many things common that you could talk about. You see it is your responsibility to lead the conversation just like it’s your responsibility to lead on the dance floor. Talking back and forth is just like the dance but with your words.
More topics to talk about with your girlfriend
Even though you now know how to get the topics from the girl on which you both can chat about but it is always better to have some back up. So here are some all time favorite topics every girl likes to talk about.
Hopes and Dreams
You see every one of us have some dreams which we hope to see fulfilled in our lifetime. Wwe talk about in full excitement anytime given a chance. Hence hopes and dreams makes the list of favorites because if it is something we want in life. We are passionate about it then we damn sure are going to love talking about it.
Travels stories:
Every one of us thinks that they are the mysterious one and would like to go on a secret adventure if not now then as kids we sure did. So when we get a chance to talk about where would we like to travel we sure are going to talk about it. Then you both can share notes and maybe plan a vacation together if you like it.
Life as it turns out have lots of ups and downs which we sometime do not see coming. I am sure that you have gone through your share of ups and downs because she sure had. So try making her talk about it and listen what she has been through and what are her expectations from life.
Love an all time favorite topics for two love birds, but sometimes used to get rid of a one night stand by acting in love, no shame in it we all have done that or maybe it’s just me. But no matter love again makes the list of an all time favorite thing to talk about with your girlfriend. It also helps you to get the measure of what she expects from this relationship.
Movies and Music:
If all things fail or you don’t want to go for anything serious then you can definitely go for the love of music, theater, drama, movies and celebs scandals and stuff. You see, it doesn’t matter if you have talk about everything or nothing or if you have just started dating or you have been together your whole life two people can always talk about these things.
Family and Childhood:
This is the stuff that comes up when you two are getting to know each other. These things essentially makes the favorites list because we love to talk about our childhood and what a great vacations we had and all the things that you did that one summer between schools. But sometimes people are too closed when talking about families, so just drive through if that happens to you. There maybe some hurtful feeling buried there which they don’t feel comfortable sharing with you, but with time it will all come out. This is one of the good topics to talk about with your girlfriend because this will make her understand that you are serious about her.
Talk dirty:
This maybe naughty but still makes the favorites list on things to talk about with your girlfriend. You both are thinking about it and once out in the open you might as well discuss it. Sexual pleasure is one of the best thing a couple can talk about because it gives you something secretive to keep from the world. Feeling of secrecy drives you two closer and helps you to get to know each other on a more intimate level. So if you have reached the comfort level with her, then talking dirty is one of the best topics to talk about with your girlfriend.
Topics to Avoid with your Girlfriend
Where there are some topics that girls absolutely love to talk about there are still more topics which are kind of mood killer if you will. Some of these topics include politics, ex-girlfriends, and your wealth like constantly talking about your car, religion and weird sexual fetishes. These are the things that you should be careful when talking to your girlfriend, you see every one of these things tend to kill the mood on some level. Like say, politics no need to know, doesn’t affect your relationship, ex-girlfriend naturally always an uncomfortable topic, religious beliefs tend to destroy nations and yours is relationship so just avoid it for your own good.
Sexual fetishes just get over it unless and until you are in a comfortable zone with each other where whatever you say wouldn’t be use against you then and only then bring out this topics and only if asked and lastly about your wealth well no one cares if you have a great car and can’t perform in bed or can’t even talk to a girl properly so just shut up and stop bragging.
Lastly, these tips has helped me a lot of times even when my dates were going awry some snapped back because of these topics and the five step process, so just remember be calm, attentive and use these tricks wisely.
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