Find the best way to know the difference between love and obsession. Check out for these signs to find out if there is obsession in a relationship.
Due to the success of 50-shade style, it has been discovered that many people especially women have an unhealthy idea of what love is and where the boundary that separates it from obsession. It is difficult to put love into words, but it is very easy to do with obsession. To help you get rid of this confusion we list which will make you understand the difference between love and obsession. Find the common signs of obsession in a relationship to better understand and deal with your partner.
Not giving space
He/she sends you messages, calls you and demands you to respond immediately. If as soon as you’re separated from your partner and you or he/she is texting, calling, asking things over and over again (and pretends to answer immediately) this is not a healthy relationship. You are not a half, you are a complete person and you have the right to your own time and space. If your guy or girl displays anger for not picking up the call or replaying late then consider this as a sign of obsession in a relationship.
Invades privacy
A partner that wants the other to give them the passwords even when they are not comfortable sharing is definitely not love. They may try to doubt you by saying, ‘don’t you trust me?’. Well, some people share, but some don’t like when someone invades their privacy. Privacy is a right less and less present in human existence. However, you have the right to not give your partner access to your social network accounts or cell phone. If he/she asks for it once like a joke and does not ask again then there is no problem. However, if he/she feels offended and insists, that is not love, it is the desire to own you. Love elevates, possession reduces you to being an object.
Never listens
In your relationship things have to be done as he/she wants and you have no voice to vote no on it. The guy/girl may listen to you with a face of boredom or annoyance. He or she does whatever they want telling you that your ideas would never work. Your partner is deaf to your words because he never considers your opinion on any matter. How lucky you have him at your side. This is not a good relationship where you share your views or what you feel.
Everything is personal
The obsession with a person makes a point where everything is personal. This is good difference between love and obsession. If you cannot go and have coffee with him /her due to any reason like you have to work, the finals are near, you already have plans with family or friends then this makes your partner crazy. However, he/she will take this personally and think that you do not want to see him/her. For your partner it’s not that you have life, not that you are a person, not that you cannot go because there is a grade five hurricane, is that you do not want.
Follows you everywhere
While it may seem like a nice gesture if it happens a few times, if it is something every day it can be annoying. A person obsessed with you will do it to make sure you do not cheat on him/her. This is to check that you are actually where you say you are and that you are not hiding something from him/her. It is even worse when you tell him/her that you will not arrive at your house until late at night. The obsession of your partner will lead him to follow you to check what you are doing. Well, this is the difference between love and obsession as the one that loves you will trust you.
Extreme Jealousy
Whenever your partner sees you with a guy/girl makes him/her extremely jealous. While this is a not a big difference in love and obsession as people in love also show jealousy, but obsessed people are jealous on a very high level. This can make them either hurt you or the friend you were hanging out or talking with. If this is the case then let me warn you that you are in relationship with someone who needs help from psychiatrist. You should stay alert with such obsessed people as they are sometimes harmful.
Catches your attention in an unhealthy way
Calls you when you at work or preparing for your exams telling you that he needs you and that it is something of life or death. You come, leaving your life to one side and find your boyfriend/girlfriend in perfect health. This drama was created because he/she wanted to talk about something that he/she could not wait. The continuous calls or texts even when the guy/girl know you are busy with something important is definitely a sign of obsession in a relationship.
Threatens to harm
There comes a point where you say enough. You do not want to be with that person, you do not feel good in that relationship, you do not see him in the future, you feel drowning and have had enough of his/her attitude. Then, he or she says things like “If you leave me, I kill myself”, which may also include threats to your life. The guy/girl will tell you that he/she will not leave you alone and will follow you even if you change your name, country and partner. Well. now you may have come to understand the difference between love and obsession in a relationship.
Extreme Insecurity is Obsession
Threatens or strikes people with whom you interact. He saw you talk to a boy in class and the next day he’s in fight with him and did a brutal beating. She saw you smile at the coffee girl and when you return to the premises, she is not that day due to nervous breakdown. He or she does not tolerate having friendly relationships to people of opposite sex. This is familiar with jealousy, but here it is actually insecurity.
Here he/she regardless of whether they are your lifelong friend, your cousin you adore, the brother/sister you lived with for years or that friend who helped you in difficult times, etc. He/she feels a lot of insecurity and believes that you belong to him/her to the point that you must be in a box and only have him or her as a loved one. This is not love, it is being obsessed about someone to the point where one may require medical help to recover.
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