Find the best way to leave a good first impression on your in-laws and make them like you. These tips will help you impress your future in-laws when you meet them for the first time.
Knowing the in-laws is another test. The fact that we feel judged by people whose opinion is important for your partner always makes us feel a little overwhelmed or stressed. Read our tips to make a good impression! These tips can be very useful. Introducing yourself to your guy/girls family is not always easy. For some women it is only a formality, but for others it is a kind of test. In any case, communication with your partner is essential. Here are key points that you have to keep in mind if you want to leave a good first impression on your in-laws.
What if they do not like me? What if I do not like them? What if I say something inappropriate and spoil the evening? If you are going to meet your in-laws, it is very normal that these and other issues surround your mind. Meeting the parents of your boyfriend or girlfriend is a very important and decisive step in the relationship, so you have to have a number of things in mind so that the meeting is perfect. Now, when your guy/girl asks you; my parents want to meet you? Answer yes and before going to the appointment, read the advice we are going to give you to make a good first impression on your In-Laws.
Meet the in-laws
Knowing the parents of your boyfriend/girlfriend, that is to say your future in-laws, is a very important moment, in which nerves and fears are going to play a leading role. Calm down, your partner will be a little nervous too, she wants his/her parents to like you. If you want to do your best and the evening is pleasant, follow these tips:
Choose the place well
If your in-laws are more of a ‘quiet’ type, the meeting can take place at home. This way you can spend the afternoon seeing legendary photos of childhood, disguised at the school party, making the fool on a birthday … If they are more lively or have a lot of character, the best option is a cafeteria or a restaurant, because in a neutral terrain both parties will have to behave appropriately.
Bring a small gift
It is not enough to have a simple gift for your in-laws, a great idea to start breaking the ice. For example, if you have been invited to eat at home, bring the wine that you may like, or something for dessert or flowers an easy detail that they surely will love. This small gesture plays an important psychological role in making the other people like you.
Find out something they like
If you want to leave a good first impression on your in-laws then you must know about their likes. Surely your guy/girl has already told you a lot about their parents, but it’s all you need to know about their tastes. This will make you feel safer when you get to meet them and it will be easier for you to start a conversation. It is important that before the D day you have talked a lot with your partner about their family. She/he has told you enough things so that you know about their likes and dislikes them.
Never talk about sensitive topics
Try to avoid topics of conversation that may create controversy, such as politics or economics. It is better talk about simple things from day to day. Leave the trickiest subjects for when you are more confident and get to know each other better. Put yourself in the center of the conversation will make you have a lot to talk about, although it is also okay to take other issues: work, artistic concerns, cinema, football etc.
Dress simple
The very first thing people notice is how they dress. It plays a very important psychological role in making a positive impression. This is an important point, leave the miniskirts and necklines of vertigo or funky look for guys when you are meeting your in-laws for the first time. When you go to meet your in-laws, opt for a classic and simple look, so that they get a good impression when they see you.
Take care of your manners
To create a positive impact it is important that your actions and words are positive. Do not make inappropriate jokes and try to have a correct and formal language. It is to make them see that you are a good girl/guy for their child. Apart from verbal manners, table manners are also very important. Speak and behave properly and this will help you leave a good impression on your in-laws.
Take care of your body language
Do not drop on your couch as you would if you were at home. In a first contact you have to be very careful and correct with postures and gestures. This way your in-laws will see that you are an educated man/woman and you are the perfect match for their child.
Avoiding affectionate signs
Beware of kissing your guy/girl or doing some tinkering with your in-laws in front of you. When you get to know each other, there will be no problem with the signs of affection. In the first meeting, it is best to avoid them so that the parents of your boyfriend/girlfriend do not feel uncomfortable.
Show interest
Follow that you will be nervous in that first encounter with your in-laws, but try to show interest and to participate in the conversations. Show that you are a cheerful girl/guy, but without forcing the situation or you will have the opposite effect.
Politely answer
Probably, at some point in the evening, your in-laws will start asking you questions, some simple and some more uncomfortable. Try to respond naturally and simply, without getting angry or being impolite. Remember that this is a test where you have to make your in-laws believe that you are the right person for him/her. If you don’t like anything, politely tell them. Losing your cool can be very negative and leave a very bad impression on them.
Do not pretend
Avoid showing what you are not. Be yourself and do your best. Knowing your in-laws is similar to a job interview. It is good that you make a good impression showing the best of you but it is useless to lie because in the end it will turn against you. Another thing is to offer your help by picking up or in the kitchen but do not be too pushy.
Do not over prepare for the meeting
Do not prepare yourself too much. If you think and prepare too much, you’ll end up messing up. Just try to find out more about his/her family, and be able to anticipate their reactions, and treat the matter naturally. If communication with your partner is fluid, by the time you meet your in-laws it will seem like you already know them.
Play safe
If the meeting with your in-laws goes to the marvels, perfect. But do not forget that they are not friends you just met, but your in-laws. Therefore, remember that this is not the time to spend with alcohol or to make heavy jokes. Behave at the table, finish the dish even if you do not like it, be polite and help pick up the table. Avoid too much friendship with your mother-in-law if you fear that she will later become intrusive.
Surely these tips will help you a little bit. And remember that your in-laws are people like you and that surely they also have the intention that you take your best. In the end, the most important thing is to remember that, whatever they may be, what is important is that you seek your happiness and that of your partner, and if that means holding a complicated mother-in-law or father-in-law, we can only tell you one thing: a lot of encouragement!
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