How to Face a Blind Date

Find the best techniques to setup and face a blind date with a guy or girl. Learn some conversation tips, what to wear and what to do on a blind date.

How to Face a Blind Date

Well, it happened and you have got a blind date which may be fixed by your friends. You gave in to a date blindly, out of weariness because they convinced you or because you said why not give it a try. The point is that you now have a date and you want it to work out the best, or see how it goes. If you need some advice, here are the best tips to face a blind date.

Make it on weekday (workday)

One trick suggested by dating experts is that one should setup a blind date on a weekday. This way, if the appointment is not what you expected or does wrong, you can always say that tomorrow you have to get up early to go to work. If all goes well and you both can always have another date on the weekend. So, this is an important piece of information to keep in mind while you face a blind date with someone.

Do not put your expectations in the clouds

You will have a blind date with a person, not with a prince/princess or the movie star that you always wanted to meet. Understand that you are not the pinnacle of perfection either and that what you see on the first date may not be what that person actually is in real life. There could be something great or it will be worse. Having expectations that it will be the best date or you will find someone special sometimes deeply hurts when your date goes wrong.

Dress good and be comfortable

Are you confused of what to wear on a blind date? If possible, other than your pajamas wear something which looks good and at the same time is of comfort to you. Pajamas are comfortable, but since you are in a public place, this can send the wrong message. If you feel comfortable in flat shoes and not in tacos, go with flat shoes. If the dress pants are uncomfortable, do not go in dress pants. When a person is not comfortable with their clothes, it shows. It does not matter that it is a million dollar garment, you will not look good with it unless you are comfortable.

Arrive a few minutes early

Arriving late to the agreed place even on a blind date is something which gives a bad impression. It instantly destroys the mood of the other who has been waiting for you. If you go to a place in rush hour, leave before, or warn your date that you will arrive a little late, but do not leave with the guy or girl with doubt. While you wait, avoid looking like you’re bored: take a book, use your smartphone, check the menu, etc. When your date comes, put it aside and pay attention.

Set aside alcohol

NO, and I repeat, DO NOT drink alcohol on the blind date and deny whether he or she wants you to drink. When a person is high with alcohol he/she can say or do something that he/she may regret later. So, better stay away from stuff that can later bring problems to your life. If you still want some alcohol then have in small dose, so that you don’t lose control of yourself. My advice on this matter is to better not have anything that can kill the romance of the date.

Leave the cell phone off

On of the very important tip whether it is a blind date or a normal date, keep your mobile aside. Use it only in case of some urgency, else it is better that you focus on your date. If you always have to answer the Whatsapp, or you go through sending messages or checking your social networks, you send the message to the other person that you do not care about this date. You can spend at least fifteen minutes to see if that person is worth it. The messages are going to go if you leave them a quarter of an hour unanswered.

Plan an escape route

If the appointment is not on a business day, ask one of your friends for help. For example, ask them to call you within 20-30 minutes of the appointment and if all goes well, pretend it’s a trivial call. If you want to flee for whatever reason, tell your date that it is an emergency and that you regret having to leave. Leave the money of your consumption (do not be miserable) and escape before he/she asks for your contact information. Remember this blind date advice and share it with your friends when they face such a date. An escape route is the best way to run out if you start feeling worse in such circumstances.

Offer to pay the bill half (if you are female)

If a woman suggests paying the bill halfway, she sends the message that she is independent and that she has no intention of being maintained. Even if your date is refused, at least you have made the proposition. If a man does the same thing it sends the signal that he is stingy. Yes, sad, but if you are a guy then my advice for you is to offer to pay the bill. If the girl asks to split, then go ahead.

Exchange numbers if you think it’s worth

The fact that a woman asks the number of a guy without giving his number to him, sends very negative messages. If you are a guy, give her your number and tell her that you would like to keep in touch. If you are a woman and you want to see where you are going, offer him to exchange numbers, but do not give yours unless he gives you his first. If you do not intend on a second date, tell him clearly and politely, without lying and looking rude.

It’s not that you have to worry to face a blind date. It is just like a normal date, but here you should not keep any expectations. Here is it more of a surprise, you don’t know whether the guy/girl will be interesting, good looking and will the date go good. I hope these tips might help you face this situation. If you like surprises then this one could be a either a very good or a very bad one in your life. Just be confident, have interesting conversation, pick a nice place and hope everything goes good.