Here are some of the worst and most common first date mistakes that guys and girls do. The helpful tips and real experiences will help you avoid these mistakes on a date.
The first date with a stranger is always difficult and potential pitfalls everywhere. We have analyzed the worst mistakes and given tips on how you can avoid these first date mistakes.
Too much or too little talk
This is a real date experience that prevent you from making this mistake when you are on a date for the first time.
Real Experience 1: “I met twice with a man to whom I had to pull every word out of his mouth. It was somehow not a conversation going. I asked him something and he answered in monosyllables usually yes or no to it. Sometime I have the Date then stopped and went. ”
Real Experience 2: “She talked the whole evening without commas. I somehow did not come to speak and if I nevertheless times interjected a timid sentence, I realized that she was not listening but simply continued to talk in the text. ”
On the first date, both partners should get a lot to speak about the same, the conversation should run smoothly to keep the balance. If one constantly asks and the other responds only this is just as unbalanced when someone talks too much or too little.
Our tip: Think about in advance what you want to tell about yourself and what you want to question. You can end the conversation like practicing before the mirror and this will help. Think about what type of communication keeps the conversation going. Important is always a touch of humor. But the conversation must not slide into boring side.
Talking about sexual fantasies
At the first meeting never discuss what you like in sex and your fantasies. It has been surveyed that such people look like desperate and makes the excitement of the date go down. Often it is the men who can not resist, more or less speaking directly about their sexual interests to come. But that’s an absolute a no-go. Even the most outgoing woman will throw in the towel in such a conversation and never let hear something from him.
Our tip: If you want to talk about your sexual fantasies, then you should therefore wait at least until the first sex. Under no circumstances you should include such topics on the first, second or third date cut.
Don’t sound depressed
These are two date experiences which was a mood off for women because of the depressing conversation.
Real Experience 1: “My worst date I had with a man who has recently been betrayed and abandoned by his wife. He had to talk all the time about this depressing experience. He would probably have hit better with his therapist, instead with a date. “
Real Experience 2: “My worst date I had with a stupid man who was only talking about his failed business and other personal problems in his life.“
The first date is for the purpose of immediate familiarization. It is not the idea of a first meeting to spoil the other with whining and a depressive conversation. A little self-reflection helps sometime, but you have to realize that nobody wants to hear one’s own misery.
Our tip: Think about a few funny anecdotes from your life. Tell something funny, make a few loose sayings, but without slipping into superficial.
Don’t brag
This is a particular first date mistake which many guys and girls do which you must refrain. Bragging about money, job, expensive items that you have and anything can be a turn off for your partner. If you are good at something then you can say it once, but taking your conversation that you are the best and all sort of things can be a big mistake.
Going on about the ex
The best you avoid the topic Ex generally particularly just at the first date. This is not the time to discuss about your past relationships, but its time to know each other! So just make sure you never include a topic about your failed relationships until asked by your date. Also if asked never say very rude things about your ex because this is your first impression on him/her and you should not take any chance to ruin it.
Our tip: Avoid the topic Ex-relationship generally best. If your date drags you to the topic than you can safely cancel and move on to some other topic.
Talk about marriage and childbearing
Some other real date experiences:
Real Experience: “I once met a young lady who I had met at Tinder and we had a wonderful evening together. I thought: ‘Yes! And then she started suddenly with the theme of marriage and childbearing. Not that I have anything against it, but so concrete, I wanted not to be confronted with it on the first date. This culminated in that they had very precise plans for how and where they wanted to get married and how many children they want to have. I was not asked here. Then further meetings it did not, I felt very pressured to.
This error is made especially for women often who are primarily seeking a father for their children. But men sometimes come somewhat awkwardly therefore with this issue. It’s good if you are willing to start a family, but on the first date, you should avoid such topics. Unless the subject is at ease out of a situation and makes sense. But even then, you should rather reluctant to react and remain neutral for now. After all, you do not even know, if your date is suitable for a relationship with you. Issues of family formation should be addressed at the earliest at the beginning of a relationship. Otherwise you run the risk of alienating your promising Date.
Our tip: the first date, you should not comment on the subject of marriage and childbearing even if this is your stated goal. This topic is to be raised when you are in a relationship.
Diseases are not an issue for a first date, unless you want your date to get rid of quite quickly.
Check out this experience:
Experience 1: “My worst date was with a man who had just caught a strong cold. It was plain creepy having to watch him when coughing and nose clean and listening. He then also reported quite openly that he has often and usually also gets an eye infection. I never saw him again. ”
Just as diseases are not an issue for a first date, you should not appear sick on a date. You have to assume that you’ll get certainly no second chance. You need to look healthy and in full mood on your date and not look sick.
Our tip: Never goes sick on a date, but apologize and move the meeting to another time.
That should be long been clear that on a date keep your cell phone turned off in the pocket. Under no circumstances should you ever look on the phone or even answer the phone when it rings or write texts.
Read one of the experiences of our reader:
Real Experience: “It was the shortest date of my life. He played all the time with his cell phone around. Hardly a message came, he wrinkled his forehead intently and then tapped emotionally a message. There was no conversation going, because he was not really actually to the point. I was just feeling disrespected and just walked out.”
Our tip: Once you are with your date, you should keep your mobiles away. Dedicate your date’s full attention and do not let them distract you from your phone you. If its urgent, apologize him/her, take the call and keep it short.
Men: Do not be stingy!
You had a nice evening with a great woman and your paying attention is that the bill should divided exactly by two. Never !!! Although the lady has so much stressed during the evening, as it is emancipated, you should take the bill as a gentleman. It does not look good, if you feel to be stingy in paying.
Our tip: You should at least offer to pay the bill on a date and if your date insists on dividing the bill then its fine.
On the first date you can make a lot of wrong things. But with a little common sense can be help to avoid most pitfalls. Look the best and think about what would you would dislike about your date and then you know pretty much how you should behave.
In all of these suggestions one thing which is missed is that you should also you remain yourself. Pretending someone different on the first date can later create problems and don’t lie, brag or fake too much. So be as you are, stay relaxed and optimistic and happy you will be on the first date!
So wrapping this topic about first date mistakes and do share the experience which you disliked on your first date. This will help our readers to make a good impression and avoid those mistakes.
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